Car Accidents: Top 5 Tips

Two cars crashed on a backdrop of money in a Texas personal injury settlement

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Brett Pritchard Law

Car Accidents: Top 5 Tips

If you have been injured in a car accident, you probably are not sure about how best to move forward. Every car accident is unique to its own set of circumstances. Fortunately, however, there are some universal tips that can help you forge your best path forward. If another driver’s negligence has left you injured, you need an experienced Central Texas personal injury attorney on your side.

Tip 1: When It Comes to the Insurance Adjuster, Proceed with Caution

If you have been in a car accident, it will serve you well to remember that the insurance company’s intention is to keep your settlement to a minimum; they are not on your side. Never give the other driver’s insurance company a recorded statement until you have discussed it with your experienced personal injury attorney and never accept a settlement offer just because you want to put the matter behind you. Your continued recovery is far too important not to fight for the compensation to which you are entitled.

Tip 2: Take Pictures of the Accident Scene

If you cannot take pictures at the scene of the accident from every conceivable angle, in this smartphone era, someone else is almost certain to do it for you. Contacting a personal injury lawyer as soon after the accident as possible can also help you preserve evidence.

Tip 3: Organize All Supporting Documents

Keep all documents in support of your claim organized and close at hand:

  • All medical records, bills, and receipts

  • Evidence from the scene of the accident, including photos, eyewitness testimony, and eyewitness contact information

  • The name of the officers on the scene and your case number

  • The other driver’s contact and insurance information

Tip 4: Do Not Count Out Your Own Car Insurance Policy

Depending on the kind of car insurance coverage you carry, your own insurance may provide you with benefits that are independent of the negligent driver’s coverage.

Tip 5: Being Released from the Emergency Room Does Not Mean a Clean Bill of Health

Just because you have been released from the emergency room does not mean that

you are without injury. The ER treats emergencies, and car accidents can lead to injuries that blossom over time and that do not necessarily show up on initial x-rays. If the emergency room gives you follow-up instructions, follow them carefully, and if they do not, follow up with your regular medical doctor. It is always better to be safe than sorry.

If You Have Been Injured by Another Driver’s Negligence, You Need an Experienced Central Texas Personal Injury Attorney

Being injured in a car accident is never easy, but the dedicated legal counsel of a skilled personal injury attorney can help you better navigate the path toward a full recovery.

Attorney Brett H. Pritchard at the Law Office of Brett H. Pritchard in Central Texas has the experience, commitment, and knowledge to fight for your rights and for the compensation to which you are entitled. We are here to help, so please contact us online or call us at (254) 781-4222 for more information today.
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