Injured in a Motorcycle Accident while Not Wearing a Helmet
Motorcycle accidents are exceedingly dangerous accidents for the very reason that the only thing that comes between you and the impact of the accident is your safety gear, including your motorcycle helmet. If another motorist’s negligence has left you injured in a motorcycle accident in which you were not wearing a helmet, you may have concerns about whether you can hold the other motorist legally responsible. If you have been so injured, it is time to consult with an experienced Central Texas personal injury attorney.
Helmet Laws in Texas
Texas law mandates that every rider under the age of 21 wear a helmet whenever operating a motorcycle. Motorcyclists over the age of 21 who have completed the necessary safety course and who carry the appropriate insurance coverage under an applicable health insurance plan are not required to wear helmets. For your health insurance to rise to this level, the insurance provider must notate your insurance card with “MOTORCYCLE HEALTH” or must issue a separate card that so indicates.
Motorcycle Helmets and Safety
While you may not be legally required to wear a motorcycle helmet when you ride in Texas, it is important to recognize that you are much safer when you do so. In fact, according to Advocates for Highway & Auto Safety, the statistics related to motorcycle accidents and helmets are staggering:
Motorcycles are the most dangerous form of vehicular transportation.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that the lives of 1,870 motorcyclists were saved by helmet usage in 2017.
NHTSA estimates that if all motorcyclists had been wearing helmets, another 750 lives could have been saved in 2017.
When helmet laws include all riders, helmet usage increases, motorcyclist deaths and injuries decrease, and taxpayer dollars are saved.
The fact is that if you ride a motorcycle, you are always safest when you wear a helmet.
Your Motorcycle Claim
If another driver’s negligence leaves you injured in a motorcycle accident – even if you were not wearing a helmet – you are entitled to bring your claim against the at-fault driver. While every claim is unique to its own circumstances, your claim is far too important to leave to chance. An experienced Central Texas personal injury attorney will fight for your claim’s most positive resolution. The injuries associated with motorcycle accidents are often so significant that the path forward toward recovery is exceedingly difficult without obtaining adequate compensation for damages suffered.