The Most Common Causes of Wrongful Death Cases

Injury Claim

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Brett Pritchard Law

A wrongful death case is a specific type of personal injury case in which the injured party dies from the injuries he or she sustains – and his or her survivors bring the wrongful death claim on his or her behalf. Damages can include the medical expenses and pain and suffering endured by your loved one before he or she succumbed to death, the cost of your loved one’s funeral and burial, and the losses you experienced as survivors. While every wrongful death claim is naturally unique to the specific factors involved, there are certain causes that are most commonly associated with these tragic cases.

Traffic Accidents

Traffic accidents are dangerous incidents that are often caused by driver negligence, and these accidents can take many forms, including:

  • Car accidents

  • Truck accidents

  • Motorcycle accidents

  • Scooter accidents

  • Bike accidents

  • Pedestrian accidents

When a motorist is impaired, distracted, drowsy, aggressive, or speeding excessively, he or she is that much more likely to cause a fatal traffic accident that can lead to a wrongful death claim.

Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice refers to when a healthcare facility, a doctor, or another medical professional fails to provide a patient with the level of care that is recognized by the medical profession as the accepted level of care.

There are certain types of medical errors that are known as never events, and these instances of malpractice are especially dangerous. They can, for example, include operating on the wrong body part, performing the wrong operation on a patient, leaving a medical tool or supply inside a patient, and much more. Medical malpractice that leads to a wrongful death claim is especially tragic because the patient was seeking the health-giving benefits of medical care, but that same medical care ultimately led to his or her death.

Some common forms of medical malpractice include:

  • Errors made during surgery

  • Errors in diagnosis

  • Errors in anesthesia or medications

  • Birth injuries

Accidents on the Job

Workplace accidents can result in extremely severe injuries, and construction work is one of the most dangerous professions of all. Slip and fall accidents are one of the most common kinds of workplace accidents, and when these happen from heights, they can result in even more serious injuries. The scaffolding, ladders, and massive equipment that is common to construction work provides plenty of opportunities for life-threatening slip and falls to take place. Other dangerous factors inherent to construction sites include accidents involving falling objects, electricity, being caught in between two heavy, unyielding objects, dangerous toxins and chemicals, and more.

Reach Out to an Experienced Killeen Personal Injury Attorney Today

Wrongful death claims are the most tragic personal injury claims. While nothing can return your loved one to your family, attorney Brett Pritchard at the Law Office of Brett H. Pritchard in Killeen, Texas, is committed to skillfully advocating for the compensation you need to help you find a new path forward. Seek the experienced and compassionate legal counsel you need by contacting us online or calling us at (254) 781-4222 today.

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