In November, a Temple man was driving in Belton when he reportedly hit something in the dark. It was discovered later that there was a body of a 13 year old boy on the road. The man reported his involvement with the Belton Police Department and made a statement. A few days later he was arrested and charged with an accident involving death, which is a second-degree felony.
Attorney Brett H. Pritchard is representing the man being charged with crimes associated with this fatal hit-and-run accident. He is being held in lieu of bail that was set at $500,000 by Bell County Justice of the Peace Ted Duffield. There was a bail reduction hearing set by Bell County 426th Judicial Court with Judge Fancy Jezek, but according to Attorney Pritchard in an article on Temple Daily Telegram, the hearing has been reset.
Dedicated to his clients and offering quality criminal defense representation, Attorney Pritchard is backed by 18 years of legal experience.