Even the Safest Motorcyclists Are Prone to Injuries
If you ride a motorcycle, you are aware of the inherent dangers of this mode of transportation. Further, you likely compensate for these dangers by carefully adhering to all of the safety rules of the road. The fact is, however, that – no matter how safely you ride – you are susceptible to accidents caused by negligent motorists with whom you share the road. When you take to the road on your motorcycle, always make safety your top priority. If another driver’s negligence leave you injured, consult with an experienced Central Texas personal injury attorney as soon as you are able to do so.
Motorcycle Accidents: The Statistics
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) forwards several significant statistics that address just how serious motorcycle accidents can be:
When compared mile for mile (related to miles traveled), the rate of motorcyclist fatalities is almost 29 times greater than the rate for other motorists.
In 2015, the rate of motorcycle fatalities rose 8 percent over the rate of motorcycle fatalities in 2014.
Motorcyclists make up 4 percent of injuries caused by traffic accidents, 14 percent of fatalities caused by traffic accidents, 4 percent of all vehicle-occupant injuries, and 17 percent of all vehicle-occupant fatalities.
When you are on your motorcycle, you are susceptible to dangerous accidents.
Motorcycle Accidents Are Serious Accidents
Even the most cautious motorcyclists are vulnerable to serious traffic accidents. The NHTSA reports that cyclists typically opt to ride for pleasure, for the relatively inexpensive initial expense, and for the fuel efficiency of most motorcycle models. Motorcycles represent only about two percent of all motor vehicles registered in the United States, but they, nevertheless, make up five percent of all traffic fatalities on U.S. highways. Finally, the NHTSA clarifies exactly how dangerous motorcycle accidents are by relaying that 80 percent of motorcycle accidents lead to injury or death while only 20 percent of car accidents do.
Staying Safe on Your Motorcycle
The statistics do not mislead. Motorcycle accidents happen, and they are extremely serious. When you ride, always follow the NHTSA’s safety guidelines:
Wear appropriate safety gear
Do not exceed the speed limit, and adjust your speed to accommodate the road’s condition, including the effects of inclement weather
Know the traffic laws, and obey them
Drive courteously to help keep aggression in other motorists at bay
Be aware of and stay out of other driver’s blind spots whenever possible
When changing lanes or making turns, check your rearview mirror and turn your head to make sure you can proceed safely