Driver Negligence Often Equals Dangerous Car Accident

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Brett Pritchard Law

Car accidents on our roadways are often caused by driver negligence, which comes in many different forms. When we take to the roads in our vehicles, we accept the immense responsibility of helping to keep those roads safe. Negligent drivers, on the other hand, eschew this responsibility and endanger everyone with whom they share the roadway in the process.

Driver Negligence

Driver negligence can come in many forms, but some forms are more common and more dangerous than others, including:

  • Distraction
  • Impairment
  • Excessive speed
  • Aggression
  • Exhaustion

All of these forms of negligence are closely associated with dangerous accidents on our roadways.

Distracted Driving

Distracted drivers are dangerous drivers, and there are myriad of distractions that have the potential to cause a severe accident. One of the most dangerous, however, is the ever-popular smartphone. People have become so dependent upon their phones that interacting with them – even while driving – has become second nature for many people. It is every driver’s responsibility to focus his or her attention solely on driving safely.

Impaired Driving

There is not a driver on our roads who is not aware of just how dangerous drinking and driving is, yet many drivers continue to engage in this treacherous activity. Impaired drivers are out there, and they often contribute to the deadliest accidents on our highways and byways.

Excessive Speeding

You have heard it before, but it remains true – speed kills. The faster a vehicle’s speed, the greater the chance it will be in an accident (and the severity of the crash is generally in direct proportion to how fast the vehicle was traveling). At top speeds, drivers diminish their ability to control their cars, increase their stopping distances, and threaten everyone’s safety.

Aggressive Driving

The primary form of aggressive driving is speeding, but aggressive drivers typically roll bad driving habits into one exceedingly deadly form of negligence. For instance, a driver who is speeding in and out of lanes while tailgating and incessantly honking his or her horn is an aggressive driver whom you should steer clear of. Rather than being motivated by safety, aggressive drivers allow their negative emotions to guide them.

Drowsy Driving

Driving is not a passive activity. To drive safely, it is necessary to pay careful attention to the road and to proceed accordingly. Drowsy drivers are far less likely to recognize hazards in their midst, and an exhausted driver can even fall asleep behind the wheel. If you are feeling tired, do not drive.

If a Negligent Driver Leaves You Injured, Consult with an Experienced Central Texas Personal Injury Attorney Today

Negligent driving comes in many forms – all of them exceedingly dangerous. If a negligent driver leaves you injured in an accident, attorney Brett Pritchard at the Law Office of Brett H. Pritchard in Central Texas has the experience, dedication, and knowledge to resolve your claim as favorably as possible. Mr. Pritchard is here to help, so please do not hesitate to contact us online or call us at (254) 781-4222 for more information today.

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