We have all seen the statistics – half of all marriages end in divorce. And with 2020 under our belts and 2021 nipping at its heels in terms of hard times, many married couples are feeling the pinch. Yes, we are living through difficult times, and yes, many divorces do end in divorce, but this in no way means that yours will or that your marriage is falling apart in the first place. If you have questions or concerns about divorce, an experienced Gatesville divorce attorney can help you with them – without pushing you toward divorce.
Is This Temporary Upset or Do I Need a Divorce?
Hard times that rock our marriages leave us feeling unmoored, and if you are not sure how best to proceed, you may think a divorce is the only option. This, however, is not the case. In fact, there are wide-ranging approaches you can take, including:
Seeking marital counseling
Attempting to reconnect with your spouse and to weather the storm together
Discussing your feelings with a trusted friend, family member, clergy member, or confidante
The Warning Signs
Ultimately, whether or not you need a divorce is a decision that only you can make, but there are some telltale signs to be on the lookout for.
You Know in Your Heart that You Want a Divorce
Divorce is not a question that is looking for a perfect answer. It is a decision, and if you have already made the decision – without allowing yourself to recognize that you have – there is no reason to intellectualize the issue. If you have come to the difficult decision that you need a divorce, it is time to respect your own judgment.
Your Spouse Has Done Something You Cannot Forgive
If your spouse has done something you cannot forgive – and do not want to try and forgive – it may be your line in the sand. Everyone has their own breaking point, but if your spouse has had an affair, gambled away your kids’ college funds, or done anything else that you cannot personally abide, listening to your gut is advised.
Your Spouse Wants a Divorce
If your spouse wants a divorce and you do not, you have options. You can attempt to resolve the issues between you, can seek marital counseling, and can pour your heart out to him or her, but if he or she is not moved to find a way forward together, it is time to address the matter of divorce head on by consulting with an experienced divorce attorney and protecting your financial and parental rights from the get-go.