Responding to Low Insurance Settlement Offers in Texas

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Brett Pritchard Law

Low Settlement Offers: How to Respond

If you have sustained an injury in a car accident (or in any kind of accident) that was caused by someone else’s negligence, you will likely be compensated for the damages you incur by the insurance company involved. It is important, however, not to accept a low settlement offer in haste. Such an offer will not allow you the compensation to which you are entitled. If you have been injured by someone else’s negligence, consult with an experienced Central Texas personal injury attorney today.

The Full Extent of your Damages

If you have a personal injury claim, you have probably suffered more damages than you realize:

  • Medical expenses, including emergency transportation and emergency care; surgery and aftercare; doctor, specialist, and therapist appointments; prescription medications; adaptive physical devices; and physical therapy

  • Lost hours and wages on the job

  • A diminished earning capacity into the future

  • A potentially altered career path

In addition to financial and physical losses, there are also emotional damages to consider. Never settle a personal injury claim before the full extent of your injuries has been established.

The Insurance Company

The insurance company involved in your accident claim is in the business of making money. This process can include making a low settlement offer early in the process, before you have had time to fully assess your physical, emotional, and financial damages.

Further, the insurance company is likely to want to obtain a recorded statement about your injury-causing accident. Such an interview is often more than a simple fact-finding mission and is likely an attempt to lock you into statements that suggest you are at fault – or that suggest you share the fault – for your injuries. You are not required to give the insurance company a recorded statement, and you are well advised not to do so. Your knowledgeable personal injury lawyer will deal with the insurance company on your behalf.

Evaluating the Settlement Offer

Every personal injury claim is specific to its own set of circumstances, and so too should your settlement offer be. While you may be feeling the pinch from medical bills, it is important not to let this financial anxiety sway your stance. Once you sign off on a settlement offer, you will have no further opportunities to attempt to collect on the actual damages you sustained. When it comes to the insurance company’s settlement offer, proceed with caution. A dedicated personal injury lawyer will carefully evaluate your claim and settlement offer and will aggressively advocate on behalf of your interests.

If Someone Else’s Negligence Leaves You Injured, Consult with an Experienced Central Texas Personal Injury Lawyer Today

Your ability to fully recover from an injury caused by someone else’s negligence hinges on your ability to obtain a settlement offer that fully covers your damages. Attorney Brett H. Pritchard at the Law Office of Brett H. Pritchard in Central Texas is committed to fighting for your rights and for your rightful compensation. For more information, please contact us online or call us at (254) 781-4222 today.

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