What Happens while My Divorce Is Pending?

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Brett Pritchard Law

If you are going through a divorce, you naturally have plenty of concerns about your post-divorce life. The fact is, however, that figuring out how to proceed while your divorce is pending can be even more complicated, confusing, and pressing. There are some general guidelines, however, that can help you move forward toward the finalization of your divorce with more confidence.

Standing Orders

Once you have filed for divorce, the court will likely put standing orders in place that go into effect immediately. These orders generally prohibit either spouse from doing any of the following:

  • Destroying credit cards

  • Closing any financial accounts

  • Altering any life insurance policies

  • Taking your shared children out of state

  • Changing your shared children’s school or daycare

These orders are intended to help preserve the status quo – and prevent any financial or child custody shenanigans – while the divorce is pending.

Your Living Situation after You File

You have filed for divorce, but now what? If you and your divorcing spouse can reach mutually agreeable decisions about who will live where, when each of you will have the children, and who will pay for what, you are free to make those arrangements between yourselves. If you cannot come to an agreement, however, the court will have a temporary order hearing to determine all of the following, if they apply:

  • Who will live where (who will remain in the family home with the children, for example)?

  • Who will pay for specific bills, including your mortgage, your credit card bills, your car payments, your utility bills, and so on?

  • Who will have possession of which vehicles?

  • What will your visitation schedules with the children be?

  • Is temporary child support needed?

  • Is temporary alimony (or spousal support) in order?

You and your spouse will be required to abide by these orders until your divorce is finalized, and your final orders go into effect.

Mediation Is Likely to Be Next

Once you and your divorcing spouse have received your temporary orders, you will proceed with negotiating the terms of your divorce, which includes making mutually acceptable decisions related to child custody arrangements, the division of marital property, child support, and alimony. If you are unable to negotiate terms, however, the court is likely to order mediation before it will hear your case. Regardless, however, mediation is generally the appropriate next step. At mediation, a neutral third-party will help you and your spouse explore compromises and attempt to hammer out terms that work for both of you. If mediation is unsuccessful, your case will likely proceed to court.

You Need an Experienced Killeen Divorce Attorney on Your Side

The period when your divorce is pending can be the most difficult of all. Brett Pritchard is a formidable divorce attorney who is committed to helping you obtain a divorce that protects your rights and works for you and your children. We are here to help, so please do not hesitate to contact us online or call us at (254) 781-4222 for more information today.

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