The 2020 Holiday Season Is Not Business as Usual, But Sale to Minor Laws Are


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Brett Pritchard Law

The holiday season begins with Thanksgiving and kicks off from there. 2020 is a holiday season for the books, and we are all looking for ways to social distance, don masks, avoid large gatherings, all the while keeping that festive feeling alive. One important point to remember is that despite the topsy turvy nature of this year’s holidays, the law does not relax its standards. It remains illegal to provide or sell alcohol to anyone underage.

Do Not Leave Yourself Vulnerable to Serious Charges

Many people enjoy alcoholic beverages legally and responsibly, but they must be of legal age to do so. The Texas Alcohol and Beverage Code prohibits selling alcohol to minors and providing minors with alcohol, and doing so leaves you vulnerable to hefty legal consequences. If, for example, you own, manage, or work at a business that sells alcohol, do not relax your standards or policies around the holidays – card everyone whom you think could possibly be under the age of 21. Face masks make gauging the age of others that much more difficult, which – in turn – should make erring on the side of caution your guiding mission.

Alcohol Sales to Minors

In Texas, anyone who is under the age of 21 is considered a minor for the purposes of purchasing alcohol, and there is no situation in which it is not illegal to sell alcohol to a minor. Do not be fooled into thinking a charge of sale of alcohol to a minor is not a serious charge – because the consequences of a conviction can seriously affect your future. The laws related to selling alcohol to minors apply wherever alcohol is sold, including:

  • Grocery stores

  • Hotels

  • Convenience stores and gas stations

  • Bars and pubs

  • Restaurants

Anytime there is a question about the purchaser’s age, the person making the sale must confirm that the purchaser is at least 21 years old by checking his or her identification card. Explaining to the court that the customer looked old enough to you is not going to get you very far in terms of your defense. If, however, the customer in question presents you with a credible ID card (passport, state driver’s licenses or ID card, or military ID card) that establishes him or her as being of legal age, you will likely not be held responsible for being duped in this manner. However, if the ID is an obvious fake or does not belong to the person in question, it is a different matter.

Discuss Your Case with an Experienced Killeen Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

The holidays come at us quickly, and this year, we should all expect the unexpected. If you are facing a sale of alcohol to a minor charge, Brett Pritchard at the Law Office of Brett H. Pritchard in Killeen is an accomplished criminal defense lawyer who understands the serious implications of your situation and has the legal acumen and commitment to help. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us online or call us at (254) 781-4222 today.

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