Obtaining a Letter of Protection

Injury Claim

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Brett Pritchard Law

If you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, you very likely have a long road toward recovery ahead of you. And you are probably waiting for the compensation to which you are entitled in order to cover the medical expenses that are piling up. It is a difficult time, and the financial insecurity you feel may prompt you to accept an early settlement offer from the insurance company in an attempt to get in front of your medical bills, but this is very unlikely to be in your best interests.

Work Closely with an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

The insurance company that offered you the early settlement offer is well aware of your predicament and is likely playing on your vulnerability. The fact of the offer in and of itself may well be an indication that the insurance company believes your injuries could lead to more considerable medical expenses than you are currently aware of. If you accept the offer, they will be permanently off the hook for those additional costs. You have been injured and are in no condition to effectively negotiate the matter on your own – that is a job for your dedicated personal injury attorney.

Your Medical Bills: A Letter of Protection

While it is easy to tell you to allow your experienced personal injury attorney to deal with the insurance company on your behalf, facing your mounting medical bills is a different matter, and this is where a Letter of Protection comes in. A Letter of Protection is an official letter that the law firm you are working with will direct to your medical provider. The letter itself will delineate the firm’s agreement to protect the provider’s outstanding investment in your ongoing medical treatment. In other words, this Letter of Protection will serve the following important purposes:

  • The letter will allow you to continue receiving the medical treatment you need without being required to maintain timely payments.

  • The letter will allow you to focus on the important matter of regaining your health without the concurrent worry regarding how you are going to keep up with payments (especially in light of the fact that you may also be experiencing lost earnings).

  • The letter will assure your medical provider that your pending medical bills will be paid directly out of your settlement claim once your case has been settled.

A Letter of protection, in other words, will not negate your requirement to pay for the medical care you receive – but it will buy you time that allows you to pay your pending bills out of your personal injury settlement (or court-awarded damages).

Seek the Legal Counsel of an Experienced Killeen Personal Injury Attorney Today

If you have been injured as a result of someone else’s negligence, Attorney Brett Pritchard at the Law Office of Brett H. Pritchard in Killeen, Texas, has the experience, resources, and commitment to help – via every legal means available. For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us online or call us at (254) 781-4222 today.

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