Did the Other Driver Hit and Run? What to Do

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Brett Pritchard Law

Even a minor fender bender is upsetting and is going to leave you rattled. This is a given. If, however, another driver’s negligence leaves you injured in a car accident and then flees the scene, it takes matters to an entirely different level that can be very difficult to bounce back from. Knowing what to do in this very challenging situation, however, can help ensure that you protect both your health and your car accident claim. 

In the State of Texas

In the State of Texas, all motorists who are involved in car accidents in which someone is injured (or might be) are required to do all of the following:

  • Stop at the scene of the accident

  • Call 911

  • Offer any aid they can

  • Exchange contact and car insurance information

  • Wait until the authorities arrive

These represent the bare minimum that every motorist owes everyone else with whom he or she is involved in a car accident. When a driver, instead, takes it upon himself or herself to leave the scene – or to hit and run – that driver breaks the law and makes it that much more difficult for any accident victims to obtain the compensation to which they are entitled and that they need. 

What You Should Do

If another driver’s negligence leaves you injured and he or she doesn’t bother to stop, it puts you in a very difficult situation, but there are specific steps that you can take that can help, including:

  • Make a mental note to remember everything about the driver and his or her vehicle that you can (this can go a long way toward supporting your case down the line)

  • Pull as far out of the line of traffic as possible

  • Call 911

  • If anyone else is injured and you are able to render aid, do so 

  • Let the police know everything you remember about the hit-and-run motorist

  • Take statements from bystanders and other eyewitnesses at the scene (and don’t forget to gather contact information)

Take Heart

Not very long ago, it was exceptionally difficult to track down hit-and-run motorists and hold them responsible for the damages they caused, but those days are behind us. Now that nearly everyone on the road has a camera at the ready – in the form of a smartphone – you are much more likely to identify and locate the at-fault driver in your accident and to obtain just compensation for the considerable physical, financial, and emotional damages you’ve suffered. 

Turn to an Experienced Killeen Car Accident Attorney for the Help You Need

Brett Pritchard at the Law Office of Brett H. Pritchard in Killeen, Texas, is a distinguished car accident attorney who recognizes the gravity of hit-and-run cases like yours and who is here to offer his complete support. Your case is important, and our dedicated legal team is here to help, so please don’t hesitate to reach out and contact us online or call us at (254) 781-4222 today for more information about what we can for you. 

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