The Benefits of an Uncontested Killeen Divorce

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Brett Pritchard Law

Divorce is never an easy process, but uncontested divorces are typically much less stressful than their contested counterparts. In an uncontested divorce, both parties come to an agreement on the terms of the divorce rather than disputing these terms, or the divorce itself, in court. In this blog, our Killeen divorce attorneys take a look at four of the major advantages of an uncontested divorce.

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1. Uncontested Divorce Can Save You Money

Divorce litigation is not cheap – in addition to attorney’s fees, you will also spend quite a bit of money on court costs, filing fees, and other such expenses. Contested divorces also typically take longer than uncontested cases, meaning many of these costs can grow exponentially. Uncontested divorce will help you limit these expenses, which in turn leaves you in a better financial position after the dust settles.

2. Uncontested Divorce Can Be Less Contentious

By its very nature, uncontested divorce is less combative than contested divorce. In this process you will work with your soon-to-be ex to compromise on the terms of your divorce, often with the help of a skilled mediator. In cases with children, this option can help you and your child’s other parent set the foundation for a better co-parenting relationship moving forward.

3. Uncontested Divorce Is Typically Quicker

Divorce courts in Texas have a ton of cases on their dockets, so divorce litigation can often take far longer than making compromises out of the courtroom. As mentioned previously, a quicker divorce can help you save money in a number of ways. Divorce is a highly emotional process, as well, and a quicker resolution to your case can help you move on and start building your new life.

4. Uncontested Divorce Gives You More Control

Rather than letting the court make all of your decisions for you, an uncontested divorce helps give you control over the final outcome of your case. Agreements regarding property division, child custody, and other related issues will still need to be approved by the court, but you will have far more say than in a contested divorce.

Uncontested divorce is a great option, but it is not right for everyone. To learn more about your options, contact the Law Office of Brett H. Pritchard today for your free consultation.

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