Social Media Can Hurt Your Personal Injury Claim
If someone else’s negligence has left you injured in an accident, it is important to recognize that social media could have a negative effect on your claim. In the days before social media was so prevalent, insurance companies would sometimes hire a private investigator to help discount a claimant’s credibility. Now, however, that same insurance company often needs to look no further than your social media accounts. If you have a personal injury claim, proceed with caution when it comes to posting on social media and obtain the experienced legal counsel of a Central Texas personal injury attorney today.
The Insurance Company Does Not Want to Pay You
If you have been injured in an accident, you likely realize that your claim will process through the negligent party’s insurance company, but you may not realize that the insurance company is not necessarily on your side. Insurance companies are in the business of making massive profits, and sometimes this means making barebones settlement offers or denying claims outright. If you keep in mind that the insurance company is simply waiting for you to trip up, it could help you be more circumspect about what you say and about what you post.
Establishing Your Losses through Documentation
In order to be compensated for your injuries in a personal injury claim, you must be able to prove these injuries. The best way to accomplish this is by seeking immediate medical attention as soon after an accident as possible. The second most important thing you can do is to follow the medical advice that is provided to you. It is not only in the best interest of your health but is also in the best interest of your claim. Your medical bills and documentation will help tell the story of the injuries you have sustained as a result of the accident, but a poorly considered social media post can have surprisingly negative effects on this narrative.
Social Media Use Can Hurt Your Chances of Getting the Compensation You Deserve
If you are a frequent contributor to social media, posting might have become like second nature – and you may not give your words and/or pictures careful consideration. If you have a personal injury claim pending, however, this is a profoundly bad idea. For example, a flip remark about the nature of your accident could serve to erode your credibility. Further, remember that a picture can tell quite a story, and you do not want the insurance company to start reading anything into yours. Finally, ask your friends and family to also refrain from posting pictures and/or comments about you while your claim is pending. Now is not the time to draw attention to yourself on social media.