Why Some People Choose Uber over Ambulances

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A recent article in the New York Times explores when it makes sense to Uber rather than to call an ambulance. The fact is that an ambulance ride of a few blocks can add up to thousands of dollars in expense. With Uber and other rideshare options available within a minute or two in many areas, it is opening up an entirely new and less expensive means for those in need of medical attention to get where they need to go.

If You Do Not Need an Ambulance, You Do Not Have to Call an Ambulance

The article explains that ambulances are for medical emergencies, and if your condition is not a medical emergency, considering a more cost-efficient mode of transportation is a good idea. Ambulances are not cost prohibitive because of the ride they provide. Instead, it is the emergency medical staff and modern medical equipment that elevates the price. In a medical emergency, an ambulance can save your life. If, on the other hand, you do not require medical attention while in route to the medical facility, an ambulance is probably not necessary.

Covering Ambulance Expenses

Ambulance rides are expensive for obvious reasons. Unfortunately, however, some insurance providers do not cover the entire cost of an ambulance ride. Further, if you are uninsured, you are responsible for the entire cost. As such, ambulance alternatives make sense when the situation is not an actual medical emergency.

Rideshare to the Rescue

While an Uber cannot rush to the ER with sirens and flashing lights, it can efficiently transport you to the medical care facility of your choice. You are unlikely to have a choice about your destination when it comes to riding in an ambulance. When you opt for rideshare, however, you can choose where you will receive care. For instance, if the local clinic has the level of care you need, there is no reason to go to the ER.

Evaluate the Situation

If you are not sure what level of care you need, always err on the side of caution. If you are pretty clear about the kind of medical attention you require, getting an Uber can be a great option. You will not only save money but will also free up an ambulance for a true medical emergency.

If You Have Suffered an Injury Because of Someone Else’s Negligence, You Need an Experienced Central Texas Personal Injury Attorney

Whether you need an ambulance or not, if you have been injured by the negligence of someone else, obtaining experienced legal counsel is in your best interests. Attorney Brett H. Pritchard at the Law Office of Brett H. Pritchard in Central Texas has the skill, knowledge, and commitment to advocate for your claim’s most positive resolution. For more information, please contact us online or call us at (254) 781-4222 today.