If Your Divorce Case Is Going to Trial


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Brett Pritchard Law

If you are going through a divorce, your primary goal is likely to get through the ordeal as effectively and efficiently as possible. The fact is, however, that if you and your divorcing spouse cannot come to mutually acceptable terms regarding the major elements of your divorce, the court will do so for you. If your divorce case is heading to trial, there are some important steps you can take to help make the process go more smoothly.

The Divorce Basics

In order to finalize your divorce, several key components must be determined, including:

  • Child custody arrangements
  • Child support
  • Spousal support
  • Division of marital property

If you and your soon-to-be-ex are able to hammer out mutually acceptable terms on some of these matters, it will leave you ahead of the game when you head to court. The court will intervene on your behalf regarding whichever divorce elements remain unsettled.

Retain Your Perspective

Most divorces are resolved before they go to trial. This means that if your case is proceeding to trial, you likely have at least one highly contentious element. Every divorce is emotionally charged and difficult, but a contentious divorce is that much more so. Do your best to retain your perspective throughout the divorce process. A contentious divorce is often a lengthy process, so focusing some of your energy on life outside your divorce is going to serve you well.

Know Your Priorities

If you are going to court for divorce, it means that you and your divorcing spouse do not see eye to eye on how best to proceed. The fact is that you are both almost certainly facing compromises regarding the terms of your divorce. Recognizing what your priorities are can help you focus on what really matters to you and can help you let some of the less important details go. A contested divorce can begin to feel like you are fighting simply for the sake of fighting, but honing your priorities will help ensure that you stay on track and do not waste your energy on the battle itself.

Preparation Is Key

Divorce court is your opportunity to share all the information pertinent to the dissolution of your marriage with the judge. Preparation is key, and you really cannot be too prepared. Adequate preparation helps ensure that you have the information necessary to successfully back up your position available and ready to present to the court.  

A Contentious Divorce Requires an Experienced Attorney

A contentious divorce is just that – contentious – and it is easy to lose your bearings along the way. Brett Pritchard is an experienced and formidable divorce attorney who has the compassion and commitment to help you obtain divorce terms that work for you and your children. The dedicated legal team at the Law Office of Brett H. Pritchard in Killeen, Texas, understands your concerns and is here to help. To discuss your case, please do not hesitate to contact us online or call us at (254) 781-4222 today.
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