Beginning the Divorce Process

gavel and paper that reads "petition to file for divorce"

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Brett Pritchard Law

Divorce is not just a complicated legal process but is also a complicated emotional upheaval in your life. If you find that your emotions and your attempts to make rational decisions moving forward are competing with one another, please know that you are not alone and that there are steps that you can take to help. First of all, divorce is called a process because it is just that. The more you do to organize your thoughts, your goals, and your documentation early on, the more manageable the process will be.

First Things First: Go Easy on Yourself

You are in the beginning stages of your divorce, and it is critical that you cut yourself some slack. Divorce tends to be a protracted process – not a race to the finish – and if you do not take care of yourself from the outset, you could end up making an already difficult process even harder on yourself. Further, with a bit of pampering and time set aside for yourself, you may just find that you have a better handle on the whole divorce thing. Whatever your situation is, do not forget to take care of you.

Filing for Divorce

If you have not already filed for divorce, rushing to do so may not be the best first step. Your divorce will be utterly unique to you, your family, and your situation, and strategically planning your filing – rather than rushing to file – can have advantages. An experienced divorce attorney can help you make the right choices for yourself.

Getting Your Priorities in Order

When it comes to divorce, it is a matter of settling the basic terms, which remain consistent across all divorces (as applicable), including:

  • Division of marital assets

  • Alimony

  • Child custody arrangements

  • Child support

Within each of these categories, a rabbit hole of complications can lurk, but taking the time to set your priorities overall and within each set of terms can help you better navigate the divorce process moving forward. An important component of this is discussing the matter with a thoughtful divorce attorney who can help you better understand your options and how your terms will likely play out (in your unique situation).

Gathering Documentation

In the end, much of your divorce will hinge on documentation, and gathering that material before you get into the thick of your divorce can work to your advantage. The bulk of this documentation is financial information that should include all of the following (to begin):

  • Your mortgage

  • You and your spouse’s pay stubs

  • Bank statements

  • Credit card statements

  • Car titles and/or car loans

  • Retirement accounts

  • Financial portfolio

  • Documentation regarding ownership of anything of value, including an additional property, a business, a valuable collection (such as art or jewelry), and more

Look to an Experienced Killeen Divorce Attorney for the Help You Need

Brett Pritchard at The Law Office of Brett H. Pritchard in Killeen, Texas, is a dedicated divorce attorney who has the experience and legal insight to help you guide your divorce toward favorable terms that work for you. To learn more, please do not wait to contact or call us at 254-501-4040 today.

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