Statistically speaking, nearly half of all marriages in the United States end in a divorce. There is also a large percentage of couples that are on the brink of a divorce. However, the decision to end your marriage is a tough one, which is why many people choose to stay in an unhealthy marriage simply because the mere thought of getting a divorce is intimidating.
However, it is vital to recognize signs that you are ready for a divorce to make the decision and file divorce papers. If you are considering filing for divorce in Texas, speak with our Waco divorce lawyers at the Law Office of Brett H. Pritchard to discuss your particular case. Our attorneys will assist you with the paperwork required to initiate your divorce and guide you through the divorce process.
Signs that You Are Ready to File for Divorce
If you have been thinking about filing for divorce more and more often lately, you may be ready to get a divorce. Below, we outline the 10 signs that you are ready to end your marriage.
1. Marriage Counseling Is Not Helping
If you and your spouse have tried marriage counseling, but it has not helped you resolve the issues that are killing your marriage, it may be a tell-tale sign that your marriage is damaged beyond repair. Some marriages are doomed to fail no matter how hard the spouses try to save their marriage and avoid a divorce.
2. Your Partner Is Not Putting Any Effort
If you have made multiple attempts to save your marriage, but those attempts have been fruitless, it may be because of the lack of effort on the part of your spouse. If your spouse seems too distant to keep trying, it is probably not worth trying anymore.
3. You Do Not Have Sex Anymore
Physical intimacy is what makes a marriage more than just a platonic relationship, which is why a sexless marriage may be a sign that your marriage is on the rocks, though it is fair to say that many married couples can maintain a healthy marriage without any sex. However, if one spouse wants to have sex with their spouse but the other spouse doesn’t, it could be a sign of major problems.
4. You Have Dreams of Single Life
If you constantly think about how great it would be if you were single, it could be a sign that you do not want to be married anymore. It is important to be honest with yourself. There is nothing wrong with dreaming of single life. But staying in a hopeless marriage is wrong.
5. You Have Very Little or No Communication
Communication is what makes a marriage strong. If you and your partner have little to no communication anymore, it is probably because you no longer have the same “closeness” you used to or because you are no longer a strong emotional connection. While some married couples may be less talkative than others, problems arise when you feel that your spouse is not listening to you.
6. You Do Not Enjoy Spending Time Together
If you no longer feel that you want to spend time with your spouse, it is probably because your marriage is on the rocks. While it is perfectly normal to spend some time apart, not enjoying the time spent with your spouse could be a major red flag.
7. You Are Not Resolving Conflicts Anymore
If conflicts and disagreements in your marriage seem to pile up and you do not put any effort into resolving them, it is probably because you no longer care about your marriage or do not want to devote any more of your time or energy to save it.
8. You Do Not Respect Your Spouse Anymore
Successful marriages are built on mutual respect and love. However, if you no longer respect your spouse due to the lack of reliability or any other reason, it could be a sign that your marriage is headed for a divorce.
9. You Feel Apathetic about Your Spouse
Apathy is one of the most obvious red flags. If the feelings of love and affection are eventually replaced with apathy, it is probably because your marriage is damaged beyond repair. Getting a divorce may be the solution you are looking for to get out of the apathetic marriage.
10. You or Your Spouse Are Cheating
If one spouse is cheating, it is a sign of major problems in the marriage. If both spouses are cheating, it is a sign that the marriage is heading straight to divorce. The desire to seek physical or emotional intimacy outside the marriage is the leading reason people get divorced. It is probably a good idea to stop wasting each other’s time and go separate ways.
Contact an Attorney to File for Divorce in Texas
If you have noticed at least several of the aforementioned signs in your marriage, you should consider getting a divorce and contacting an attorney. A knowledgeable divorce attorney will help you do everything correctly and understand your rights.
Each divorce case is different, which is why it is essential to work with an experienced attorney to ensure a favorable outcome in your divorce case. Our divorce attorneys at the Law Office of Brett H. Pritchard are prepared to help you navigate the process every step of the way.
If you are confident that you want to get a divorce because you cannot save your marriage, you will need to file an Original Petition for Divorce to initiate the legal proceedings. Texas Family Code § 6.301 requires at least one spouse to reside in the State of Texas for six months or longer to meet the residency requirement to file for divorce. In addition, at least one spouse must have lived for at least 90 days in the county where the petition for divorce is filed.
Once you file your petition for divorce, you initiate the divorce process. A copy of the divorce petition will be served on your spouse to move forward. Find out more about the divorce process in Texas by contacting our attorneys at the Law Office of Brett H. Pritchard. Contact us online or call us at (254) 781-4222 to receive a consultation.