The thought of calling it quits on your marriage is jarring and can be difficult to address. If you keep going back to this possibility, however, it is a sign that you need to do some careful soul searching. If you have discussed your concerns with your spouse, with the trusted members of your support system, and with a marriage counselor, but always end back at divorce, it may be time to discuss the matter with an experienced Copperas Cove divorce attorney who will help you explore your best options and better understand what a divorce is likely to mean for you (in terms of your parental and financial rights).
Sometimes Divorce Is the Best Option
Your marriage is unique to you, your spouse, and your circumstances. There are, however, specific situations that tend to push the envelope when it comes to determining if a divorce is right for you.
If you feel more alone in your marital relationship than you do when you are actually alone, it should give you pause.
Financial Concerns
If you have your suspicions – or concrete proof – regarding your spouse’s shady financial dealings, it is not something you should ignore. It is important to remember that your finances are inextricably connected to your spouse’s, and his or her bad financial decisions directly relate to you and your children’s financial well-being. Further, your spouse’s financial misadventures may be in preparation of filing for divorce. All told, if you suspect financial shenanigans, you should not wait to consult with a divorce attorney.
An Affair
If your spouse is having an affair (or had an affair), it is obviously a betrayal of your trust, and only you know if you can – and/or if you want – to move past this emotional betrayal. If your spouse is not interested in repairing the bonds that have been broken, divorce is likely your best response.
Physical, Sexual, Financial, or Emotional Abuse
Abuse can sneak up on you in a marriage, but if you recognize any signs of abuse – whether they are directed at you or your children – it is time to get help, which can include all of the following:
Obtaining a protective order against your abusive spouse
Securing a safe place to stay while you move forward with plans for the future
Obtaining the therapy you and/or your children need
Consulting with a dedicated divorce attorney
Abuse in a relationship can be sneaky. For example, if your spouse keeps you on a tight budget, refuses to speak to you, or hurls ugly insults your way, they can all qualify as abuse.