The Harsh Reality of a Felony Drug Conviction

drugs on table

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Brett Pritchard Law

Criminal charges are a serious matter, and convictions are more so. If the conviction relates to a felony drug charge, however, you face serious obstacles moving forward that are in addition to any time you are required to spend behind bars and to any financial penalties you face. If you are facing a drug charge, do not put off consulting with an experienced Waco criminal defense lawyer.

The Direct Consequences of a Felony Drug Conviction

If, for example, the drug charge you face involves a drug in Penalty Group 2 – which includes THC oil and wax, MDMA, and amphetamines like Adderall – the maximum sentence can reach 99 years with fines of up to $50,000 – for the manufacture or delivery of more than 400 grams. In other words, drug charges can become very substantial very quickly. The charges levied against you, and the penalties imposed depend on wide-ranging factors, including:

  • The controlled substance involved

  • The amount of the controlled substance involved

  • Any aggravating factors that may apply

  • Any prior criminal record

  • Any enhancements involved, such as theft or assault charges

  • If there was an intent to distribute

Collateral Damages

In addition to the direct consequences and penalties you face as a result of a conviction, there are important collateral consequences that must be taken into consideration, such as the following:

  • With a conviction, you can lose your right to vote.

  • With a conviction, you can be prohibited from owning firearms, fireworks, and even hunting gear.

  • With a conviction, you may be ineligible for certain state or federal jobs.

  • With a conviction, you could lose your driver’s license.

  • With a conviction, you could be prevented from traveling outside of the United States.

  • With a conviction, you may be ineligible for federal student loans and student housing.

  • With a conviction, you may have difficulty getting a home loan or renting a house.

Because a conviction is a matter of public record, it can have a serious social stigma that can leave you in a one-down position – even if you accept a plea deal and spend no time in jail. Ultimately, the social consequences of a drug charge conviction can be even more difficult to overcome than the sentence itself, which makes fighting for your case’s best possible resolution paramount.

Do Not Wait to Reach out to an Experienced Waco Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

If you are facing a felony drug charge (or any criminal charge for that matter), the consequences of a conviction make the charge too serious not to fight. Brett Pritchard at the Law Office of Brett H. Pritchard in Waco, Texas, is a focused criminal defense lawyer who takes great pride in protecting the rights of clients like you – while in zealous pursuit of their cases’ most favorable resolutions. We are here to help and are on your side, so please do not hesitate to contact us online or call us at (254) 781-4222 for more information today.
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