Moving Forward with Your High-Conflict Divorce

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Brett Pritchard Law

No divorce is a walk in the park, but high-conflict divorces can take matters to an extreme level. If you are going through a high-conflict divorce, you are likely well aware of the fact, but finding the best path forward can be exceptionally difficult. To better understand your best options and to help you make the right choices for you and your children, turn to an experienced Copperas Cove divorce lawyer today. (Read more about the importance of getting a divorce lawyer)

The Hallmarks of High-Conflict Divorce

While you likely recognize that your divorce is indeed high conflict, you may not know the hallmarks of these very difficult divorces, which often include:

  • A divorcing spouse who refuses to compromise (regardless of how insignificant the issue)
  • A divorcing spouse who turns everything into a legal battle
  • A divorcing spouse who has a win-at-all-costs mentality (there is only winning and losing – no middle ground)
  • A divorcing spouse who refuses to communicate

Further, high-conflict divorces tend to stall negotiations on all applicable terms rather than on just one or two. If the contested issue is significant, however, all it takes is one to springboard your divorce into high-conflict territory. (Click here for some more divorce tips)

Watch out for High-Conflict Divorce Antics

If your divorce is high conflict, you might notice that your divorcing spouse is attempting to control you and/or punish you (even if he or she instigated the divorce). Further, your soon-to-be ex may engage in antics that interfere with your financial rights, such as by hiding assets, getting rid of assets, gifting assets, spending down assets, or otherwise getting rid of marital assets prior to divorce. If you notice signs that this is the case – or have your suspicions – bring it up with your dedicated divorce attorney as soon as possible (this is a matter that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later). (Click here for more tips on keeping your divorce civil)

If Communication Has Broken Down Completely

You naturally want your divorce to be as amicable as possible, but by the time you have identified signs of high conflict in yours, that ship has very likely sailed. You are not likely to have any luck communicating with your divorcing spouse directly at this point, and knocking yourself out trying is probably not going to get you very far. If your spouse has decided to make your divorce as difficult as he or she possibly can, it is a good sign that you should turn to your dedicated divorce attorney – who will negotiate on your behalf with your divorcing spouse's attorney while preparing to go to court, which is where your case is almost certainly heading.

You Need the Skilled Legal Guidance of an Experienced Lawyer on Your Side

Brett Pritchard at the Law Office of Brett H. Pritchard – proudly serving Copperas Cove, Texas – understands how difficult your situation is and has the compassion, drive, and legal insight to help. For more information about what we can do for you, please do not hesitate to contact us online or call us at (254) 781-4222 today.

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