The 5 Mistakes that Are Almost Certain to Damage Your Child Custody Case


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Brett Pritchard Law

If you are facing a child custody concern, there is a lot riding on the court’s decision. While every child custody case is unique to the unique people and circumstances involved, there are some fairly common mistakes that can negatively affect your case and that should be universally avoided. Better understanding these common mistakes from the outset can leave you better prepared to proceed with confidence.

Mistake One: Ill Considered Social Media Posts

You are going through a divorce or a child custody modification, and you probably have plenty you would like to share. Since social media has become our go-to mechanism for sharing, you might be inclined to air your anxiety and stress in a Facebook or Instagram post, but this is far more likely to backfire than to do you any good. In fact, any of the following categories of posts can come back to haunt you in court (regardless of how robust you believe your privacy settings are):

  • Ranting and raving about your child custody case
  • Photos of you and your new paramour or photos of you doing anything that might be considered in questionable taste or judgment
  • Anything tasteless, violent, derogatory, or threatening
  • Posts intended to malign your ex

Ultimately, you are better off giving social media a pass until after your case is resolved.

Mistake 2: Lashing out

Few things stir your emotions the way child custody concerns can, and it is only natural to lose your cool from time to time. This being said, it is important not to lash out at your ex verbally (on the phone or in-person), in text form (such as in texts, emails, or messages), or in photo form. Anything of this nature can be used as evidence to tarnish your case.

Mistake 3: Failing to Demonstrate that You are Focused on Your Children’s Best Interests

When the court is tasked with making child custody determinations, it always predicates its decisions on the best interests of the children involved. It is a serious mistake to fail to show the court that your child custody concerns are similarly motivated. Coming across as selfish – and simply wanting what you want – is a bad look that will not do you any favors.

Mistake 4: Ignoring Standing Child Custody Orders

If you are facing child custody orders (whether temporary or final), it behooves you to follow them to the letter of the law. You may think the orders deny your full parental rights – and they may – but that is why you are taking the matter up with the court. Demonstrating that you respect the court and take its orders seriously helps to bolster your position.

Mistake 5: Failing to Hire an Experienced Child Custody Attorney

Child custody matters are extremely complicated and extremely important. An experienced Harker Heights child custody attorney will help ensure that you are prepared to face the court with a solid case that helps protect your parental rights and your children’s best interests from the outset.

Call Us Today to Speak with a Harker Heights Child Custody Lawyer

Brett Pritchard at the Law Office of Brett H. Pritchard is a dedicated child custody attorney who dedicates his impressive practice to helping clients like you. To learn more, please do not hesitate to contact us online or call us at (254) 781-4222 today.

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