If you have been considering divorce for even a day or two, you recognize that your friends, family, loved ones, and well-meaning strangers all have plenty of advice for you. While it is very nice to feel heard, it is imperative that you take most of this advice with a grain of salt. No two divorces are ever exactly alike, and your sister-in-law’s neighbor’s divorce is not likely to give you much insight into your own. Knowing what advice to take to heart and what advice to give a loving pass can save you a considerable amount of time and heartache.
Take This Advice: A Divorce Support Group
If someone in your support group offers up advice about any of the following (that he or she knows about firsthand and that resonate with you), consider it valuable advice and endeavor to give it a try:
A divorce support group
A relaxation yoga class
A beginner’s running group
An interesting and lively book club
An excellent counselor
Letting your loved ones know what you're in the market for as you move through this difficult life transition can land you with a treasure trove of valuable information.
Give This Advice a Pass: Legal Advice
While divorce is a legal matter and amounts to the dissolution of a contract, random legal advice from well-meaning loved ones is not going to advance your cause. Working closely with a dedicated divorce attorney who is up to speed with your case, understands your divorce priorities, and has the legal insight and drive to negotiate terms that work for you is a much better option.
Divorce Horror Stories? Not the Best Idea
If you want a divorce horror story, they’re out there. Some are urban legends, and some are all too real. The bottom line is that if your divorcing spouse gets it in his or her head to make your divorce as difficult as he or she can – without regard for anyone’s best interests – that is something that he or she can do, and this is the rare situation when proceeding directly to court is often preferable (as a means of cutting your losses). If both of you, however, are invested in hammering out terms between yourselves and are willing to do the hard work that goes along with this, you’re very likely to keep your divorce out of horror story territory.
Related: Your Divorce Does Not Have to Be a "Legal Horror Story"
Take This Advice!
If your loved ones are advising you to take care of yourself while your divorce is pending and are offering to help you out with that by scheduling a walk with you, helping out with your kids, or dropping by for a glass of wine and healthy snacks, that is advice (and those are offers) that you should gladly accept.
Turn to an Experienced Killeen Divorce Attorney for the Legal Guidance You Need
Brett Pritchard at the Law Office of Brett H. Pritchard in Killeen, Texas, has the experience, legal skill, and commitment to help you obtain divorce terms that protect your rights and work for you – no random outside advice necessary. For more information, please do not wait to contact us online or call us at (254) 781-4222 today.